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*Regular - $40.00 per year

*Life( Signature members only)-$500.00
one-time only Life membership is available to any Signature member that, as of January 1st of each membership year, has reached age 65 and has been a PWS member for the previous 5 years.

*Student - $20.00 per year.
Student membership is open to all full-time high school students between the ages of 14-18 upon proof of full time student status. Student members have all the rights and privileges of a regular member except they must be eighteen years of age to vote or hold office and to enter regular PWS shows.

*Patron - $20.00 per year
Patron membership is open to all friends and supporters of the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society. Patron members have all the rights and privileges of a regular member except they cannot exhibit in PWS shows and do not receive member discounts.

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© 2021 Pennsylvania Watercolor Society

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